Articles published in peer-reviewed journals
32. Chambert, T., Backlin, A.R., Gallegos, E., Baskerville-Bridges, B., & Fisher, R.N. (2022). Defining relevant conservation targets for the endangered Southern California distinct population segment of the mountain yellow-legged frog (Rana muscosa). Conservation Science and Practice. 4(5), e12666.
31. Hossack, B. R., Lemos-Espinal, J. A., Sigafus, B. H., Muths, E., Carreón Arroyo, G., Toyos Martinez, D., Hurtado Félix, D., Padilla, G. M., Goldberg, C. S., Jones, T. R., Sredl, M. J., Chambert, T., & Rorabaugh, J. C. (2021). Distribution of tiger salamanders in northern Sonora, Mexico: comparison of sampling methods and possible implications for an endangered subspecies, Amphibia-Reptilia, 43(1), 13-23.
30. Gamble A., Garnier R., Chambert T., Gimenez O. & Boulinier T. (2020). Next‐generation Serology: Integrating Cross‐sectional and Capture-recapture Approaches to Infer Disease Dynamics. Bull. Ecol. Soc. Am. 101(2), e01670.
29. Chambert T., Imberdis L., Couloumy C., Bonet R. & Besnard A. (2020) Density dependence in Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos fecundity better explained by individual adjustment than territory heterogeneity, Ibis. 162 (4), 1312-1323.
28. Gamble A., Garnier R., Chambert T., Gimenez O. & Boulinier T. (2020). Next Generation Serology: integrating cross-sectional and capture-recapture approaches to infer disease dynamics. Ecology. 101(2), e02923.
27. Louvrier J., Molinari‐Jobin A., Kéry M., Chambert T., Miller D., Zimmermann F., Marboutin E., Molinari P., Müeller O., Černe R. & Gimenez O. (2019) Use of ambiguous detections to improve estimates from species distribution models. Conservation Biology, 33(1), 185–195.
26. Balint M., Nowak C., Márton O., Pauls S., Wittwer C., Aramayo J., Schulze A., Chambert T., Cocchiararo B. & Jansen M. (2018) Accuracy, limitations and cost-efficiency of eDNA-based community survey in tropical frogs. Molecular Ecology Resources, 18(6), 1415-1426
25. Chambert T., Grant E.H.C., Miller D.A.W., Nichols J.D., Mulder K.P. & Brand A.B. (2018) Two-species occupancy modeling accounting for species misidentification and nondetection. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9, 1468–1477
24. Louvrier J., Chambert T., Marboutin E. & Gimenez O. (2018) Accounting for misidentification and heterogeneity in occupancy studies using hidden Markov models. Ecological Modelling, 387, 61-69
23. Chambert T., Pilliod, D.S. Goldberg C.S., Doi H. & Takahara T. (2018) An analytical framework for estimating aquatic species density from environmental DNA. Ecology and Evolution, 8(6), 3468–3477
22. Adams M.J., Pearl C.A., Chambert T., McCreary B., Galvan S.K. & Rowe J. (2018) Effect of cattle exclosures on Columbia Spotted Frog abundance. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 26, 627-634
21. Chambert T., Waddle J.H., Miller D.A.W., Walls S.C. & Nichols J.D. (2018). A new framework for analyzing automated acoustic species-detection data: occupancy estimation and optimization of recordings post-processing. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9(3), 560-570
20. Muths E., Chambert T., Schmidt B., Miller D.A.W, Hossack B.R., et al. (2017) Heterogeneous responses of temperate-zone amphibian populations to climate change complicates conservation planning. Scientific Reports, 7(1): 17102
19. Hossack B.R, Honeycutt R.K., Sigafus B.H., Muths E, Crawford C.L., Jones T.R., Sorensen J.A., Rorabaugh J.C. & Chambert T. (2017) Informing recovery in a human-transformed landscape: Drought-mediated coexistence alters population trends of an imperiled salamander and invasive predators. Biological Conservation, 209, 377-394
18. Chambert T., Hossack B.R., Fishback L. & Davenport J.M. (2016) Estimating abundance in the presence of species uncertainty. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7, 1041-1049
17. Chapple T.K., Chambert T., Kanive P.E., Jorgensen S.J., Rotella J.J., Anderson S.D., Carlisle A.B. & Block B.A. (2016) A novel application of multi-event modeling to estimate class segregation in a highly migratory oceanic vertebrate. Ecology, 97, 3494–3502
16. Boulinier T., Kada S., Ponchon A., Dupraz M., Dietrich M., Gamble A., Bourret V., Duriez O., Bazire R., Tornos J., Tveraa T., Chambert T., Garnier R., McCoy K.D. (2016) Migration, Prospecting, Dispersal? What Host Movement Matters for Infectious Agent Circulation? Integrative and Comparative Biology, icw015
15. Grant E.H.C., Miller D.A.W., Schmidt B.R., Adams M.J., Amburgey S.M., Chambert T., Cruickshank S.S., Fisher R.N., Green D.M., Hossack B.R., Johnson P.T.J., Joseph M.B., et al. (2016) Quantitative evidence for the effects of multiple drivers on continental-scale amphibian declines. Scientific Reports, 6, 25625
14. Hossack B.R., Muths E., Rorabaugh J.C., Espinal J.A.L., Sigafus B.H., Chambert T., Arroyo G.C., Felix D.H., Martinez D.T. & Jones T.R. (2016) Notes on the Distribution of Tiger Salamanders (presumed A. mavortium stebbinsi) in Sonora, Mexico. Herpetological Review, 47, 177-180
13. Ponchon, A., Chambert, T., Lobato, E., Tveraa, T., Grémillet, D. & Boulinier T. (2015) Breeding failure induces large scale prospecting movements in the black-legged kittiwake. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 473, 138-145
12. Chambert T., Kendall W.L., Hines J.E., Nichols J.D., Pedrini P., Waddle J.H., Walls S.C., Tavecchia G. & Tenan S. (2015) Testing hypotheses on distribution shifts and changes in phenology of imperfectly detectable species. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6, 638-647
11. Chambert T., Miller D.A.W. & Nichols J.D. (2015) Modeling false positive detections in species occurrence data under different study designs. Ecology, 96, 332-339
10. Chambert T., Rotella J.J. & Garrott, R.A. (2015) Female Weddell seals show flexible strategies of colony attendance related to varying environmental conditions. Ecology, 96, 479-488
9. Chambert T., Rotella J.J. & Garrott R.A. (2014) An evolutionary perspective on reproductive individual heterogeneity in a marine vertebrate. Journal of Animal Ecology, 83(5), 1158-1168
8. Chambert T., Rotella J.J., Higgs M.D. & Garrott R.A. (2014) Use of posterior predictive checks as an inferential tool for investigating individual heterogeneity in animal population vital rates. Ecology and Evolution, 4, 1389-1397
7. Chambert T., Rotella J.J., Higgs M.D. & Garrott R.A. (2013) Individual heterogeneity in reproductive rates and cost of reproduction in a long-lived vertebrate. Ecology and Evolution, 3, 2047-2060
6. Choquet R., Carrié C., Chambert T. & Boulinier T. (2013) Estimating transitions between classified states using non-discrete measures with imperfect detection. Ecology, 94(10), 2160-2165
5. Ponchon A., Grémillet D., Doligez B., Chambert T., Tveraa T., Gonzalez-Solis J. & Boulinier T. (2013) Tracking prospecting movements involved in breeding habitat selection: insights, pitfalls and perspectives. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4, 143-150
4. Chambert T., Rotella J.J. & Garrott R.A. (2012) Environmental extremes versus ecological extremes: Impact of a massive iceberg on the population dynamics of a high-level Antarctic marine predator. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 279, 4532-4541
3. Chambert T., Staszewski V., Lobato E., Choquet R., Carrie C., McCoy K., Tveraa T. & Boulinier T. (2012) Exposure of Black-legged kittiwakes to Lyme disease spirochetes: dynamics of the immune status of adult hosts and effect on their survival. Journal of Animal Ecology, 81, 986-995
2. Rotella J.J., Link W.A., Chambert T., Stauffer G.E. & Garrott R.A. (2012) Evaluating the demographic buffering hypothesis with vital rates estimated for Weddell seals from 30 years of mark-recapture data. Journal of Animal Ecology, 81, 162-173
1. Chambert T., Pardo D., Choquet R., Staszewski V., McCoy K.D., Tveraa T. & Boulinier T. (2012) Heterogeneity in detection probability along the breeding season in Black-legged kittiwakes, implications for sampling design. Journal of Ornithology, 152, S371-S380
Chambert T. & Besnard A. (2021). Synthesis: Assessing the impact of bird collisions with windturbines. State of the art and methodological recommendations. (available here).
Chambert T. & Lyet A. (2020). Estimating Tiger Prey Abundance from Camera Traps: Assessment of Unmarked Analytical Methods. Report. Calao Wildlife Consulting, Montpellier, France. (available here).
Chambert T. (2020). Bilan du suivi des populations de Gravelot à collier interrompu (Anarhynchus alexandrinus) en Basse-Normandie de 2010 à 2019. Rapport. Calao Wildlife Consulting, Montpellier, France. (available here).
Chambert T. (2020). Analyse des données de fréquentation touristique en Haute Romanche. Rapport. Calao Wildlife Consulting, Montpellier, France. (available here).
Chambert T., Imberdis L., Bonet R., Perfus M., Siefert N., Cavailhes J., Fonderflick J., Malafosse J.-P., Jailloux A. & Besnard A. (2020). Suivi des populations d’Aigles royaux dans les parcs nationaux français : Analyses et recommandations. Office Français de la Biodiversité, Montpellier, France. (available here).
Chambert, T., Belt J., and Hossack B.R. (2019). Monitoring of Boreal Toads (Anaxyrus boreas) in Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park: Survey design recommendations and trends in wetland occupancy and amphibian chytrid. Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, Skagway, Alaska, USA. (available here).
Chambert T., Enot G. & Khanh P.H. (2019). Monitoring of Siamese crocodiles (Crocodylus siamensis) in Bàu Sàu Lake, Vietnam. Cat Tien National Park, Tân Phú District, Dong Nai, Vietnam. (available here).
Claessens O. & Chambert T. (2019). Evaluer les impacts de l’exploitation forestière sur l’avifaune de Guyane : mise en place d’un protocole de suivi. GEPOG, French Guyana. (available here)
Gerber B.D., Mosher B., Martin D., Bailey L., Chambert T. Chapter 21: Occupancy (single-species). Program MARK – a ‘gentle introduction’. (available here)