Impact of wind farm on birds
A method to quantify the impact of wind farm collisions on bird populations.
As part of a collaborative project (MAPE), I developed a method to assess the effects of wind farm collisions on bird populations, as well as their cumulated impacts. I have also built an online Shiny App (here) to make this method available to environmental agencies and consulting firms that perform environmental impact assessments.
Project’s Status: Completed. Check out the outputs of the MAPE project (here).
Tiger prey densities, Asia
Estimating ungulate densities using unmarked camera trap detections.
In collaboration with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), I assessed the performance of several alternative statistical methods for estimating ungulate density from camera trap detections of unmarked animals. I also developed a user-friendly online application (Shiny) that provides an easy way for WWF's and partners' biologists to implement these estimation methods.
Project’s Status: Completed. Results are published in a report (available here).
Yellow-Legged Frogs, California
Defining relevant conservation targets for a highly endangered species
Using mark-recapture data, I estimated past and future demographic trajectories of the few remnant populations of Sierra Madre yellow-legged frog (Rana muscosa), a Critically Endangered species endemic to Southern California. As part of a recovery plan led by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, I also ran simulations to help define relevant conservation targets for the recovery of that species.
Project’s Status: Completed. Scientific article currently under review.
Kentish plovers, Normandy
Population trends, viability analysis and survey design recommendations.
In this study, conducted for the Groupe Ornithologique Normand (GONm), I estimated the vital rates and demographic trend of the population of Kentish plover (Anarhynchus alexandrinus) that nests on the Normandy coast. Then, I ran a population viability analysis to compare the performance of alternative species management strategies. Finally, using statistical power analysis, I helped the GONm improve their monitoring design for this species.
Project’s Status: Completed. Results are published in a report (available here).
Boreal Toads, Alaska
Occupancy trends, tadpole survival and survey design recommendations.
A National Park located in Alaska has been monitoring Boreal Toads (Anaxryus boreas) since 2004. In collaboration with the USGS, we analyzed the Park’s dataset to estimate the species trends locally, in terms of wetland occupancy, as well as larval-stage survival rates. We also ran analyses to improve their monitoring design.
Project’s Status: Completed. Results are published in a report (available here).
Forest Birds, Guiana
Power analyses to assess the impacts of logging on forest bird communities.
The French NGO "GEPOG", located in French Guiana, is carrying a study that aims at evaluating the impacts of logging on bird communities. To help this NGO meet its objectives, I performed statistical power analyses and provided recommendations on the optimal monitoring design to use.
Project’s Status: Completed. Results are published in a report (available here).
Tourism pressure in the French Alps
A new method to estimate tourist attendance in a French National Park.
To help the National Park "Les Ecrins" assess tourism pressure, I developed a method to estimate tourist attendance at a series of landmarks inside the Park. To get unbiased estimates, this statistical method uses several sources of data: raw counts, polls and attendance data from mountains huts.
Project’s Status: Completed. Results are published in a report (available here).
Golden Eagles, France
Improving the survey methods of Golden Eagles in French National Parks.
During a 2-year postdoc project with the University of Montpellier, I worked with four French National Parks to help them improve the study design of their monitoring program on Golden eagles. For this work, I used a combination of data analyses, demographic simulations and statistical power analyses. I also studied the density-dependent processes of this species.
Postdoc (2017 - 2019). See our published paper (here) and report (here).
Amphibians, United States
New methods to deal with amphibian detection and identification issues.
During a 3-year postdoc with the U.S. Geological Survey (program ARMI: Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative), I led the analyses of several studies that investigated the trends and stressors of amphibian populations in the United States. I also worked on the development of various statistical methods to deal with false positive detections and species misidentification errors in amphibian occupancy studies.
Postdoc (2014 - 2017) : See my list of publications.
Weddell seals, Antarctica
Demography of a Weddell seal population.
During my Ph.D. at Montana State University (MT, USA), I studied the demography of a Weddell seal population, in Antarctica. My dissertation dealt with 2 topics: (i) the demographic response of this population to environmental disturbance, and (ii) sources and consequences of variation in female reproductive outputs.
Ph.D. (2010 - 2013) : See my list of publications. Check the Weddell seal project page.
Black-legged kittiwakes, Norway
Estimating immunological responses and survival of a colonial seabird
For my Master degree, I studied the impact of the infection by a pathogenic bacterium (borrelia burgdorferi s.l.) on Black-legged kittiwakes’ survival. Using serology as a proxy for infection, I implemented a multi-event mark-recapture modeling approach to deal with the uncertainty related to birds’ real infectious state.
M.Sc. (2009 - 2010): Results are published here. See also my list of publications for other papers related to this kittiwake’s project.
Tiger Salamanders, Mexico
Distribution and trends of Tiger Salamanders in the Sonoran Desert.
We estimated the distribution of Sonoran Tiger Salamanders (Ambystoma mavortium stebbinsi) in the desert of Sonora, Mexico. We also assessed population trends and investigated mechanisms that underlie their co-existence with invasive predators.
Project’s Status: Completed. Results are published here and here.
Estimating Fish Abundance, Canada
A new modeling framework to deal with species misidentification.
In collaboration with the U.S. Geological Survey (USA), the Churchill Northern Studies Centre (Canada) and the Southeast Missouri State University (USA), I developed a new method to estimate abundance simultaneously for several species that are hard to differentiate. The method is applied to a case study on two freshwater fish living in wetlands in Northern Manitoba, Canada.
Project’s Status: Completed. Results are published here.
White Sharks, California Coast
A new method to study migration behaviors of Great white sharks.
In collaboration with Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University (USA) and Monterey Bay Aquarium (USA), I developed an innovative modeling approach to estimate temporary emigration in Great white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias). We used this method to investigate migratory behavior’s differences between males and females.
Project’s Status: Completed. Results are published here.
Siamese Crocodiles, Vietnam
First population assessment and survey design recommendations.
In 2019, a colleague herpetologist (Guillaume Enot) carried the first standardized surveys ever performed on the population of Siamese crocodiles (Crocodylus siamensis) of Bàu Sàu Lake, located in Cat Tien National Park, Vietnam. I analyzed the data to provide a first assessment of the population’s status.
Project’s Status: Completed. Results are published in a report (available here).